Marshall Rubinoff (7-5-44 – 7-7-68)

In memoriam


Fifth Estate # 58, July 18-31, 1968

Marshall Rubinoff, former Fifth Estate rock and roll columnist, died of injuries sustained in an accident while he was riding his motorcycle in San Francisco July 7.

Marshall was known in this area for his work as lead singer and rhythm guitarist for the second edition of the Spikedrivers. While he was with the band he wrote much of their material. He left Detroit for San Francisco shortly after the Spikedrivers broke up and after trying unsuccessfully to form a new band here.

We’ve never had to write an obituary before and this seems so cold and unable to express the deep feeling of grief all of us that knew Marshall experienced upon hearing the tragic news…

OM SHANTI, Brother. We know you’re all right wherever you are.