Back issues

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Five random back issues for $10
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Back issues of Fifth Estate are available
at $5 each postpaid.  U.S. orders

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How to Order

  1. Take note of the back issue numbers you want to order
  2.  Type the numbers in the text box above.
  3. If you want more than one back issue, adjust the quantity to match the total wanted.
  4. Click the Add to Cart button to continue.

Back issues available

357, Summer 2002 — Travels in Palestine. After 9/11 hysteria, we can consider what Afghanistan might have been like without Soviet imperialism and US-led bombing

358, Fall 2002 — Surrealism, Poetry, and Anarchy; On isms, schisms, and anarchisms; The radical credibility of Green Anarchy.

359, Winter 2002-03 — Considering anarchist spirituality from a variety of perspectives

361, Summer 2003 — Music and Dance, including Peetie Wheatstraw and the blues; Decline of the Choral Dance; Secret Theater; Revolution as festival

362, Fall 2003 – Insubordination

364, Spring 2004 – The Politics of Conspiracy

365, Summer 2004 — Reconsidering Primitivism

366, Fall 2004 — Radical Education

367, Winter 2004-2005 – Anti-Capitalist, Then, Now, & Forever

370, Fall 2005 – Wobblies & Work

371, Winter 2006 – The Psychology of Freedom

372, Spring 2006 – Venezuela, Spain & Haymarket

373, Fall 2006 – Literature

374, Winter 2007 – New York City Issue

375, Spring 2007 – Revelations

376, Halloween 2007 – End of the World

377, March 2008 – Escape

378, Summer 2008 – Money

379, Fall 2008 – Play!

380, Spring 2009 – Subtext, Subversion, & Sabotage

381, Summer-Fall 2009 -Pirates

382, Spring 2010 – Tribute to the radical imagination of Ursula K. Le Guin

383, Summer 2010 – Belief/Disbelief/Unbelief.

384, Spring 2011 – D.I.Y.

385, Fall 2011 – Anarchist Fiction

386, Spring 2012 – Occupy! Time for Revolution!

387, Summer 2012 – Anarchist Summer Reading

388, Winter 2013 – Education

389, Summer 2013 – Sex & Anarchy

390, Fall 2013 – Mad

391, Spring/Summer 2014 – Anarchy!

392, Fall/Winter 2014 – Art & Anarchy

393, Spring 2015 – Anti-Marx

394, Summer 2015 – Technology

396, Summer 2016 – No Borders

397, Winter 2017

398, Summer 2017 – Revolution, Revolts, Riots, & Rebellions

399, Fall 2017 – Anarchy & Solidarity in Action

400, Spring 2018 – Anti-fascism yesterday and today

401, Summer 2018 – Anarchist summer reading

402, Winter 2019 – Anything Can Happen!

403, Spring 2019 – Yellow Vests in France; Syrian Quagmire; History of subMedia

404, Summer 2019 – Hope Springs Forth From Fire; Re-Enchantment of the World

405, Winter, 2020 – Hawaii telescope resistance; exiting the era of ecological destruction & affirming life

406, Spring, 2020 — Dispatch from Exarchia; Anarchic Justice; Gov giving up on military draft?

407, Fall, 2020 — Now We All Know What Matters; Autonomous Zone Seattle; Liberating Public Health

408, Winter, 2021 — Fifth Estate Anarchist Review of Books

409, Summer, 2021 — The Path to Change: Community; Revolutionary Ecology; Summer on Fire review

410, Fall, 2021 — Solidarity in Plague Time; Secret Knowledge of Fulvia Ferrari; When Punk Was A Threat
