Events Calendar


Fifth Estate # 64, October 17-30, 1968

Fri. Oct. 18

GRANDE BALLROOM fun with the Kensington Market and the fantastic MC-5. All sorts of psychedelic bullshit happening. Don’t forget to check out Barry Kramer’s groovy counter, he has a very complete assortment of English records, hippie Bob Stark is the head salesman. You gotta be 17. Grand River & Beverly.

JOSE FELICIANO in concert at the Masonic Temple. Hear the guy that freaked out the entire country with HIS version of the national anthem, he just sings the way he feels it. 8:30pm. $5.50, $4.50, $3.50 & $2.50.

THE ENDLESS SUMMER. A fantastic film for anyone who enjoys surfing beautiful colors and sounds. Presented by the WSU Cinema Guild. Lower DeRoy Theatre. 7:30 & 9:45.

UNDERGROUND CINEMA at the Detroit Repertory Theatre, 13103 Woodrow Wilson. This weekend’s flics include: Kustom Kar Kummandos, Billabong, Pun-tang Trilogy, Phillis & Terry, Hurry Hurry Flora, & Bird. 11pm & 1am

26 SHORT FILMS as a part of the Kinetic Art Film Program, sponsored by the UCAE at the Det. Inst. of Arts 7pm & 9:30pm.

RUMMAGE SALE, sponsored by the City of Hope Cancer fighters, 10760 9 Mile, Oak Park. 8am-3pm.

FLEA IN HER EAR, at the Hilberry Classic Theatre, Hancock & Cass. 8:30pm

ENTER LAUGHING. Comedy based on the novel by Carl Reiner at the Bonstelle Theatre, 3424 Woodward 8:30pm.

HARPSICHORD RECITAL, Meredith Ellis, sponsored by Musical Dept., Oakland U. Rehearsal Hall, rm. 159, North Foundation Hall, Oakland U. 8:30pm.

Sat. Oct. 19

THE MC5 KICK OUT THE JAMS at the Silver Bell nightclub. Come see Rob Tyner and friends go nuts. 4385 Bald Mountain Rd. Northeast of Pontiac, call 1-338-7558 for directions.

THE KENSINGTON MARKET and the Pacific Gas & Electric Co. (from S.F.) at the Grande Ballroom. Plenty of freaky things to do & see. You must be 17. Grand River & Beverly.

THE ENDLESS SUMMER, sun, sand, surfing, colors and beautiful sounds combined together in this adventure flic narrated by Bruce Brown. Presented by the WSU Cinema Guild, Lower DeRoy, 7:30 & 9:45pm.

THE BLUES MAGOOS, one of the original psychedelic groups and the Dutch Tea (freak band) at the Village Pub in Birmingham. It’s the suburban hangout for teenyboppers and local hippies. But if you can dig it… 136 Brownell.

YOUNG PEOPLE’S CONCERT. Detroit Symphony Orchestra, with Piccolo Opera Co. in Hansel and Gretel. Ford Aud. 11am & 2pm.

CANTATA CONCERT. Purcell’s Dido and Aeneas performed by the Cantata Academy, Arthur Stephan conducting, sponsored by UCAE, Rackham Educ. Mem. Bldg. Aud. 8:30pm.

KINETIC ART FILM PROGRAM 26 short films. Detroit Inst. of Arts. 7pm & 9:30pm.

HAMLET presented by the WSU Hilberry Theatre. 8:30pm.

FESTIVAL DANCERS CONCERT, a contemporary dance concert at the Jewish Community Center. Meyers & Curtis, DeRoy Theatre. 8:30pm.

MANTOVANI and his orchestra at Masonic Temple. 8:20pm.

Sun. Oct. 20

PETER, PAUL & MARY in concert at Masonic Temple. One of the original great folk singing groups. 8:30 Tickets $5, $4, $3.

GRAND OL’ OPREY. Country music with Billy Jo Spears, George Jones, Jim & Jesse and many more groovy hillbillys. Cobo Hall, 2 shows, 2pm & 8pm.

GRANDE. No age limit gig with the Kensington Market, the Pacific Gas & Electric Co (from S.F.) 7-11pm.

A BLACK WORKER’S REPORT: WALLACISM IN THE SHOPS, Chas. Denby, Editor at News & Letters, 415 Brainard. 6:30pm. Rm. 209.

FESTIVAL DANCERS CONCERT at the Jewish Comm. Center. 2:30

JOHN CONYERS, Jr. will speak at First U-U Church, Cass & Forest. 10:30am.

Mon. Oct. 21

LIGHT SHOW. Observance of the anniversary of the incandescent light, marking the founding of the Edison Institute. Greenfield Village.

PENNSYLVANIA BALLET. Gala opening and reception at the Det. Inst. of Arts. 8:30pm.

Tues. Oct. 22

CAMPUS CONCERT SERIES. Duo Pach, violin & piano. Joseph Pach (violinist) & his pianist wife Alene Nimmons. How’s that for togetherness? 8:30pm, Comm. Arts Aud.

GARBO, Greta in “Conquest” (1922) with Charles Boyer as Napoleon. Det. Inst. of Arts. 8pm. adm free

Wed. Oct. 23

DEMONSTRATION sponsored by the Resistance at Selfridge AFB, Call 874-4334 for information.

TEACH-IN on electoral politics sponsored by the WSU Students for a Democratic Society. 7pm. Upper DeRoy Aud.

ANAIS NIN, author of the celebrated Diaries will give free lecture at Oakland University on “The Novel of the Future” at 11am.

HOUSE OF INCEST to be shown at the Barn Theatre on the campus of Oakland U. along with 5 other films of Ian Hugo. Introducing the films will be Anais Nin. 8pm. 75 cents.

Thurs. Oct. 24

ROMANIAN FOLK BALLET, presented by the Univ. Musical Society. Hill Aud. Ann Arbor. 8:30pm.

DEMONSTRATION at the General Offices of Chrysler, Massachusetts & Oakland Highland Park in support of the Dodge Revolutionary union against the production of war weapons. 4pm.

DIONNE WARWICK in concert at the U of M special events bldg.

Fri. Oct. 25

S.F. MIME TROUPE. They will present a new comedy. The Farce of Patelin. Sponsored by the Fifth Estate, recommended for all hip people. Can you dig it? Upper DeRoy Aud. 8pm.

THE PROCOL HARUM are back again, (they practically are Grande regulars). Some group of Jeep’s will be there also. Plenty of groovy excitement this weekend. Barry Kramer and Bob Stark (the dynamic duo) have trippy surprises in store at the psychedelic bullshit counter. You must be 17. Grand River & Beverly.

VILLAGE OF THE DAMNED. A freeky little horror flic presented by the WSU cinema guild. Lower DeRoy 7:30 & 9:45pm.

DETROIT REPERTORY THEATRE Don’t forget underground films at 11pm and 1am. This weekend’s groovies include: Fat Feet, Escalation, Acid Camp, Fortuna & Captain Brezewski. 13103 Woodrow Wilson.

DECENTRALIZED TEACH-IN all day long on the WSU campus. Open seminar, lectures sponsored by the WSU SDS group.

JULIAN BOND speaker at rally at Cobo Hall for Robert Tindal. 8pm.

ROMANIAN FOLK BALLET and orchestra at Masonic Temple. 8pm

HAMLET presented at the WSU Hilberry Classic Theatre, Cass & Hancock 8:30pm.

FRIDAY NIGHT LECTURE this week’s topic of discussion: Some Philosophical Comments on Unrest Among Youth. Harold T. Walsh, Professor of Philosophy. MSU at the Raskham Mem. Bldg. Sponsored by UCAE. 8:30pm.

Sat. Oct. 26

THE ELECTRIC CIRCUS, a psychedelic medieval concert, rock and roll groups & light shows. Memorial Bldg. U of D. 8:30pm.

SAN FRANCISCO MIME TROUPE. Don’t miss this fantastic happening. They will present the Farce of Patelin. Upper Deroy Aud. 8pm.

PROCOL HARUM continue at the Grande Ballroom along with the Dutch Tea (BMF) and Dharma. You must be 17. Grand River & Beverly.

VILLAGE OF THE DAMNED, horror flick, sponsored by the WSU cinema guild. Lower DeRoy Aud. 7:30 & 9:45pm.

ANTI-WAR DEMONSTRATION, PROTEST THE WAR. Assemble at Cass Park, Cass & Temple at 1pm. March to Kennedy Sq. Rally speakers include Peggy Terry, from P & F, Howard Petrick, anti-war GI. See article on pg. 2 for details.

CONCERT. Bavarian Orchestra of Munich, Rafael Kubelik conducting. Presented by the Univ. Musical Society. Hill Aud. Ann Arbor, 8:30pm.

ROCCO AND HIS BROTHERS, film sponsored by the UCAE. WSU Community Arts Aud. 8:30pm.

ROMANIAN FOLK BALLET at Masonic Temple, 8:20pm.

BILL COSBY in person at the special events bldg. U of M.

Sun. Oct. 27

UDAY SHANKAR HINDU DANCERS and musicians, Scottish Rites Cathedral. 8:20pm.

S.F. MIME TROUPE. Last night to see them perform The Farce of Patelin. Dig it. Upper DeRoy. 8pm.

Tues. Oct. 29

THE QUICKSILVER MESSENGER SERVICE from San Francisco in a special 7-11pm concert at the Grande. Russ Gibb has finally gotten them after continual procrastination. Come see this trippy rock group show you where it’s at. No age limit. Grand River 1 block south of Joy.

Wed. Oct. 30

REVOLUTION! Attention all revolutionists & activists, THE BATTLE OF ALGIERS will be shown as a benefit for the Huey Newton Defense Committee and the GI’s Civil Liberties Defense Committee. 7:30 & 9:30 shows. Studio 1, Livernoi s at Davison.

MC-5 in a benefit concert for the Black Panthers on the WSU campus. Watch for further details.

Thurs. Oct. 31

HALLOWEEN…Spook your neighbors, freak them out of their heads. Go begging for candy and other groovy things.


SNOWMOBILE and Winter Sports show. Artilery Armory, E. 8 Mile Rd. Oct. 19-25.

Detroit Junior LIVESTOCK show. Artillery Armory. E. 8 Mile Rd. Oct. 28-31.

101 AMERICAN PRIMITIVE Watercolors and pastels. Gallery 38, Detroit Inst. of Arts. Now thru Nov. 10.

MASADA: Fight for Freedom on Herod’s stronghold. Det. Inst. of Arts. Now thru Nov. 10.

BOOKPLATES from the Rare Book Room, Det. Main Library. Mon-Fri. 1-5pm. Oct. 21-31.

MARY CALLERY, SCULPTURE. Donald Morris Gallery, 20082 Livernois, Tues-Sat. 10:30am-5:30pm. Oct. 22-31.


WSU University Christian Center, Putnam at 4th. Mon, Thurs, Fri. 1pm-5pm.

CENTRAL METHODIST CHURCH, Woodward & E. Adams. Sun, 8-10pm

MARTIN DE PORRES CENTER, 2234 Gratiot. Sun, 4-6pm.

DRAFT RESISTENCE COMMITTEE 249 LaBelle, Highland Park, Mon-Fri 10am-3pm.


RAVEN GALLERY. Now thru Oct. 27, folk singer Ron Coden. Greenfield Rd. just north of 12 Mile. 353-1778.

CHESSMATE COFFEE HOUSE. Oct. 15-20: The Apple Pie Motherhood, but you better call to make sure. 862-1554. Livernois & McNichols.

LIVING END. Robert Jason, folk singer is appearing. New policy, no cover, no minimum. You must be 21. 8225 John Lodge.


UNDERGROUND CINEMA. Det. Repertory Theatre, 13103 Woodrow Wilson. Shows Fri & Sat, 11pm and 1 am. Sun & Mon. 7:30 & 9:30.

THE FIFTH HORSEMAN IS FEAR at the Studio 1, Livernois & Davison. 7:30 & 9:30pm

THE BRIDE WORE BLACK. Francois Truffaut’s film at the Studio North, Woodward & 9 Mile. 7:30 & 9:30 shows.

I LOVE YOU, ALICE B. TOKLAS, at the Radio City.

BARBARELLA, at the Michigan Theatre.