Eat It


Fifth Estate # 72, February 6 - 19, 1969

A big thanks to the Tennessee Ghost writer for socking it to you last issue.

And thank you to everyone concerned about my hand. It wasn’t a bad burn and I was fine the next day.

Sundays at Alvin’s continue to be a lot of fun for me and hopefully for everyone who comes there. My soc. class with Dr. Stein has taken to meeting informally at Alvin’s on Sundays as a few Monteith classes have done. It’s a fine place to study later in the afternoon (our hours are 11 to 5).

Some future Sunday scenes will include a book and record trade, where everyone will bring books and records they no longer want. We’ll also be having a brass quintet playing jazz (to go with the juke box) and the Beatles (for everyone), on Sunday, February 23. More about the group next issue.

If there are any young musicians who are interested in playing on Sundays for the community (meaning for free) stop by and talk to either Alvin or me.

Sandy Feldheim and Mike Kerman spent some time on the Coast recently and Sandy came back a bit of a health food nut. She has been talking about a special recipe for banana bread she got from Joe Fineman, an old cronie who used to work at Alvin’s and is now part of that great rock and roll group, the Passing Clouds.

Joe once promised me that after he became a great rock and roll star he would set me up in the restaurant business. So he sends me, second hand, a recipe for banana bread.

So here is the recipe, Joe, and I want you to know that I will wait for you, until the real thing comes along. be at Alvin’s on Sundays, waiting…

Passing Clouds’ Banana Bread (adapted from a recipe by Joe Fineman, lead singer of the Passing Clouds).

1/2 cup shortening

5/8 cup honey (or 1 cup sugar)

2 eggs

1-1/2 cups sifted unbleached flour (if sugar is used, use 1-1/4 cup flour)

1 teaspoon soda

1/2 teaspoon salt

1-1/2 cups mashed ripe bananas (if sugar is used, use only 1 cup bananas).

Cream shortening. Add honey (or sugar), mix until light. Add eggs, one at a time, beating well after each. Add bananas. Sift together dry ingredients then add to banana mixture. Pour into greased 9x9x2 pan. Bake 30 to 35 minutes in oven pre-heated to 350 degrees.