Gay Violence Predicted


Fifth Estate # 100, March 5-18, 1970

Committee for Homosexual Freedom co-founder Leo Laurence predicted a violent uprising if the oppression of Gays is not ended.

In an interview for Tangents Magazine, Laurence warned, “If the oppression of the homosexual is not stopped, if discrimination in employment, in government is not stopped, if the hypocrisy taught by the churches, the lies taught by the schools is not stopped—then this country is in danger, and there’s a likelihood of having a violent revolution, where there will be fighting in the streets of every city across this country, where there will be sniping by hostile people. I’m opposed to violence. But if the government doesn’t change, that’s probably what will happen.”

Steven McClave, a leader of the more aggressive faction of the Committee for Homosexual Freedom, commented, “As homosexuals develop a group identity, so we ‘prepare to meet violence with violence. We will provoke violence by exposing the latent aggressions directed against us.

“Such provocation will radicalize not only the Gay Community, but our aggressors as well—overt,- hard-core bigotry is more successfully confronted than safe, liberal, discriminatory tolerance. Both left and right will be radicalized, reducing the great mainstream. We forsake even militant non-violence and embrace first a defensive militant violence.”

Behavioral science would tend to confirm Laurence’s prediction. A consensus of social scientists exists as to the prerequisites for mass violence.

  1. A group with prolonged frustrations.
  2. The presence of elements with a propensity for violence.
  3. Rapid improvement of the group’s position, or rapid deterioration—especially after a long period of improvement.
  4. A precipitating incident.

There is unfortunately a growing hostility between Gays and some heteros—particularly cops. A high degree of frustration among homosexuals is well established. The younger Gay element has demonstrated its dissatisfaction by increasing encounters with the police in New York, San Francisco and Los Angeles.

Melees have ensued involving numerous injuries and considerable property damage. Once the first act of violence occurs, contagious emotion can spread the violent mood throughout the group as far as the communication system of the group will reach. With telephone and radio, this could be nationwide.

Government officials should be alarmed over this potential violent uprising and act quickly to alleviate the conditions causing the dissatisfaction.