FE Bookstore


Fifth Estate # 339, Spring, 1992

LIVING MY LIFE by Emma Goldman
The turbulent autobiography of a woman at the—center of the century’s major events. Although her life intersected with the famous figures of the era, it is the day-to-day struggles for anarchy which make this account come alive. This is the original two-volume edition first published in 1931.
Dover 993 pp. (2 volumes) $18

FREE WOMEN OF SPAIN: Anarchism and the Struggle for the Emancipation of Women by Martha A. Ackelsberg
Ackelsberg traces the efforts by Mujeres Libres to create an independent organization of and for working class women that would empower them to take their places in the revolution and in the new society. She argues that the anarchist analyses of domination and subordination and the centrality of notions of community can be important resources for contemporary feminists.
Indiana Univ. Press 256 pp. $15.00
See review in this issue.

A good-bye to Marxism. Baudrillard examines its lessons which have created a productivist model and a fetishism of labor. He argues that we must break the mirror of production which “reflects all of Western metaphysics” and see marxism within the restrictive context of political economy, where it was born.
Telos Press 167 pp. $5.50

“That whole chaotic constellation of the social revolves around that spongy referent, that opaque but equally translucent reality that nothingness: the masses. A statistical crystal ball, the masses are swirling with currents and flows, in the image of matter and the natural elements. So at least they are represented to us.”
Semiotexte(e) 123 pp. $6

TERRORIZING THE NEIGHBORHOOD: American Foreign Policy in the Post-Cold War Era by Noam Chomsky
Traces the origins, goals, and implications of U.S. foreign policy in the years following World War II. An analytical preface to the new world order ending with the Panama invasion, the first decisive American military action since 1945 not justified by the threat of “communism.”
Pressure Drop Press, 63 pp. $6

SACCO AND VANZETTI: The Anarchist Background by Paul Avrich
Avrich continues his exciting histories of the American anarchist movement with this dramatic account of events which led to the celebrated crime Sacco and Vinzetti were accused of committing. Rather than their image as passive victims of the state, the two figures emerged from an energetic and militant anarchist community eager for combat with the state. At times this reads like a detective thriller as a series of mysterious bombings against establishment figures riles the U.S. public into peaks of anti-radical hysteria. The anarchist context which inspired and supported Sacco and Vanzetti is instructive for those of us seeking to construct a similar community base from which to fight the state and live a meaningful life.
Princeton Univ. Press 265 pp. hardcover $25

ECSTATIC INCISIONS: The Collages of Freddie Baer by Freddie Baer with a preface by Peter Lamborn Wilson
Ecstatic Incisions is Freddie Baer’s first collection of collage work. Over the last decade her illustrations, ranging from the bitingly political to the sublimely surreal, have appeared on numerous magazine covers, t-shirts, posters, and album sleeves. This anthology draws from all her previously published pieces, new material, and her collaborations with Hakim Bey, T. Fulano, Jim Gilman, Jason Keehn and David Watson.
AK Distribution 80 pp. $12.00. For bulk information: AK Distribution, PO Box 40682, San Francisco, CA 94140-0682

HOW DEEP IS DEEP ECOLOGY? with “Women’s Freedom: Key to the Population Problem” by George Bradford
“How Deep…” was the now out-of-print 1987 FE essay that began the long exchange on what constitutes radical environmentalism. Its criticism of Earth First! and the fundamentals of deep ecology centers on their failure to understand the roles of capital and the state in creating the ecological crisis. “Women’s Freedom” discusses the role of reproductive freedom as being a key to both the liberation of women and our reconciliation with nature.
Times Change Press 86 pp. $5.50

THE BRAVE COWBOY by Edward Abbey
The hero of this anarchist fable, Jack Burns, is a loner who refuses to accept the tyranny of the twentieth century. He rides his horse down the main street of Duke City and refuses to carry a draft card or any other form of identification. His stubbornness makes him intolerable to the forces of law and order that control the New West. “A minor classic of Western literature.” (from the book jacket)
Univ. of New Mexico Press 285 pp. $11.00

ABC OF ANARCHISM by Alexander Berkman
First published in 1929, Berkman’s work still remains one of the best introductions to the ideas of anarchism. Berkman was no mere theoretician, but a militant activist for much of his life. Berkman was a lifelong companion of Emma Goldman and served years in prison for political offenses. The book poses and then answers questions such as “Is Anarchy Possible?” and “Is Anarchism Violence?”
Freedom Press 86 pp. $5

A key text in the development of anarchist ideas first published in 1929. Contains gripping accounts of the Haymarket Martyrs, the case of Mooney and Billings, of Sacco and Vanzetti, the tragedy of the Communist destruction of the Russian Revolution (to which Berkman was an eyewitness), and more.
Phoenix Press 177 pp. $7.50

ACT FOR YOURSELVES by Peter Kropotkin
This book consists of a score of articles which Kropotkin contributed to the British anarchist paper Freedom from 1886 to 1907. He intended these articles to be collected as a book, but for various reasons this didn’t happen at the time. It is only after a century that they are at last published as he wanted, with the title Act For Yourselves taken from one of them to express their message.
Freedom Press 131 pp. $6.50

Kropotkin’s best known work and one of the great works of revolutionary literature. In it he brings alive the ferment of ideas and movements in the Europe of the late 19th century. If one wishes to know what it was like to be a revolutionary when it meant hounding, Siberia, imprisonment or death, here is the book that tells it first-hand.
Dover Publications 557 pp. $12.00

THE EDUCATION OF LITTLE TREE “A True Story” by Forrest Carter
A funny, sad, culturally rich account of a Cherokee boyhood of the 1930s brings into focus the clash between folk life and modernity. The controversy over its authorship in some ways makes it even more intriguing.
Univ. of New Mexico Press 216 pp. $11


FACING WEST: The Metaphysics of Indian Hating & Empire Building by Richard Drinnon
From the first Puritan confrontation with Native Americans to the U.S. involvement in Vietnam, there have been two constants in American policy and purpose. One is a racism that perceives nonwhites as at once childlike inferiors and murderous savages. The other is a hunger for new land and economic markets over which to exert control. Drinnon examines the bloody course of American expansion westward to the Pacific, then to the Philippines, and finally to Vietnam.
Schocken Books 571 pp. Was $17 Now $5


Earth First! Journal $3

Anarchy $2.50

Here and Now $2.50

The FE Bookstore is located at 4632 Second Ave., just south of W. Forest, in Detroit. We share space with the Fifth Estate Newspaper and may be reached at the same phone number: (313) 831-6800: Visitors are welcome, but our hours vary so please call before dropping in.


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4) write check or money order to: The Fifth Estate;

5) mail to: The Fifth Estate, 4632 Second Ave., Detroit, MI 48201.