Anarchist Communitarian Network


Fifth Estate # 360, Spring, 2003

The Anarchist Communitarian Network (ACN) is in its second year of existence. In that time, some changes within the network have greatly transformed the goals of the project. At this point, we wish to reintroduce the ACN and make a call for participation in our newsletter and in the network in general. Our hope is that a renewed level of communication of ideas and experience will help generate new connections and facilitate more projects consistent with the aims of anarchist communitarians.

The ACN recently decentralized its structure from a constitutionally-based federation style, to a network of individuals and collectives. We believe this change will foster freer communication and more flexible associations among members and supporters. The ACN is an open and informal network, built upon self-identity of participants and autonomy of affiliates. If you say you’re an ACN “member,” you are.

Some of the aims of the ACN include:

1) to provide a communication network for both anarchists living in, or looking to form communities, AND communitarians looking to develop anarchist ideas and practices.

2) To publish a newsletter in both paper and electronic formats, with features of interest to anarchists and communitarians, and to distribute relevant pamphlets, articles and zines.

3) To maintain a website featuring articles, links and resources of interest to anarchists and communitarians, and to facilitate communication among members through a listserve. We are currently looking for someone to redesign our website, which can be viewed at

4) To provide a clearinghouse of information for folks looking to form housing cooperatives and intentional communities and offering consultations with members experienced in the legal and financial aspects of such processes.

5) To host and promote gatherings, roadshows and workshops and to establish working groups to take on special projects, as well as to table and give workshops at conferences and gatherings that focus on skills and networking for forming and maintaining anarchist communities.

Please email us with your contact information if you, or your collective or organization, would like to be added to our e-mailing list (for newsletters and periodic mailings of this sort, as well as some events) or our hard-copy newsletter mailing list. To join our listserve (unmoderated, logistic-oriented, light flow), go to:

PO Box 6

Liberty, Tenn. 37095