

Fifth Estate # 373, Fall 2006

Black & Red Books

Our friends at Black and Red Books–another radical publishing project from Detroit–have finally put their catalog online at It’s now easier than ever to find titles like Society of the Spectacle; Against His-story, Against Leviathan; The Strait; The Continuing Appeal of Nationalism; Love and Politics; The Wandering of Humanity, and more.

Black & Red
PO Box 02374
Detroit, Michigan 48202

Books from The Barn

Creating Anarchy by Ron Sakolsky (Fifth Estate Books 2005) $15 Twenty chapters in a dynamic collage of ideas and action. This vibrant collection glows with flames of discontent and defiance and flows with waves of laughter and possibility. Ranging widely from Mayday to Utopia, from Refusal to Autonomy, and from Insurrection to Imagination, this compilation is in turn defiant, reflective, and playful–a brick for hurling through the windows of despair and a doorway to creating an anarchy that is not afraid to dream.

Ron Sakolsky’s anthologies Gone to Croatan, Surrealist Subversions, and Seize the Airwaves are also available from The Barn.

Oystercatcher–free with a book order, while supplies last.

As we go to press, The Barn is undergoing some re-organization. We’re adding some titles, dropping others, and trying to finally produce a complete catalog of our available materials. Please write, call, or check The Barn’s website for updates and more information:

Our new titles this time will feature a selection of books featured in this issue, for example:

Sandor Ellix Katz, The Revolution Will Not Be Microwaved $20

Daniel Pinchbeck, Breaking Open the Head $15

Octavia Butler, Parable of the Sower $15

Cara Hoffman, The Wedding and Other Stories $10

Harold Barclay, The State $10

When ordering, feel free to email or call to check on availability.

Book distribution has been a mainstay of this publication for thirty years. We feature books by Fifth Estate editors, contributors, collaborators, friends, and other books that have either been read or recommended by members of our collective. If you have a book you’d like to see offered here, send it along. The Barn is a rural library with an expansive FE archive, a literature distro, residence, and recording studio. Contact us for more information or to check on orders: 615.536.5022 or email:

How to Order from The Barn

We accept checks, money orders, or well-concealed cash; payment made out to Fifth Estate Books. No electronic orders or credit-card payments accepted. Shipping and handling, please add $2 for first item, $1 for the next, and $.50 for each subsequent item. Allow 2-4 weeks for delivery. Send orders to PO Box 6, Liberty, TN 37095.

For a complete catalog, please write or check out:

RL Project

RL Project in Kosovo is still going strong. They receive donations of books and zines at an address in Switzerland, and the materials are delivered through an NGO humanitarian convoy. The group has opened a children’s corner and they are specifically asking for postal stamps, stickers, and other kid type things. A friend in Michigan says she received a very nice thank you note from them for a donation of contemporary anarchist zines. Their mailing address is RL Project, c/o PF44, [remainder missing in print original]