Call for Submissions, Winter 2006-2007


Fifth Estate # 373, Fall 2006

The winter issue of FE will critically reflect upon contemporary anarchist and radical anti-authoritarian political movements. What directions should radicals–who wish to both create a revolution in our everyday lives, as well as to destroy the various and overlapping systems of oppression–take in our current political situation? We welcome theoretical, historical and practical pieces on political and cultural issues.

Articles provisionally slated to appear include a critique of precarity from a US perspective; a critical look at the nexus of vulgar anti-imperialism, anti-americanism and anti-semitism; the politics and aesthetics of anarchist marching bands; Colombian anarchists in New York City; and the current state of radical sexual and gender politics.

Theoretical articles should be written for a non-specialist audience. Assume that your readers are smart and well-read but not necessarily familiar with any specific terms, discourses, or concepts you introduce.

We encourage works regarding topics which you feel are usually ignored in anti-authoritarian publications. Please send inquiries first if you haven’t written the piece.

Deadline is: November 1 or sooner. fe–at–fifthestate–dot–org