International Days of Protest

The Second Time Around


Fifth Estate # 5, March 6-20, 1966

On Friday, March 25, the first of three INTERNATIONAL DAYS OF PROTEST, there will be activities on the Wayne Campus highlighted by a rally against the war in Vietnam. This will take place on the mall.

Such Universities as Oakland and University of Michigan will also be the site of anti-war demonstrations. The Citizens for Peace in Vietnam will carry on neighborhood activities.

On Saturday morning further actions will be carried out on street-corners, shopping centers and parking lots. All this will be accompanied with literature tables and mail box stuffings.

Saturday afternoon will be hit with a mass rally and march beginning at Ford Auditorium. This will be a regional demonstration including such areas as Ann Arbor, Pontiac and possibly Lansing. It is hoped that more than 10,000 people will participate. This demonstration will be the highlight of the International Days of Protest, so please tell your friends. More information can be obtained by calling the Detroit Committee to End the War in Vietnam at 832-5700.

On Sunday, there will be an activist’s conference at the WSU campus. During the morning and afternoon there will be workshops covering such topics as the National Committee to End the War In Vietnam and future political action. In the evening there will be a general planning session.

On Wednesday, March 9, there will be an open meeting at the DCEWV office and affiliating groups. The office is located at 1101 West Warren and the meeting will be at 7:30.

It’s not enough to say you’re against the war if no one can hear you. Participate in the 2nd International Days of Protest on March 25, 26, and 27 and be heard.


See Fifth Estate’s Vietnam Resource Page.