Dow March


Fifth Estate # 53, May 1-15, 1968

A mass demonstration is being staged to confront those who reap rich rewards from burned villages, crops and people, namely the stockholders of Dow Chemical.

They are meeting May 8th in the home of napalm, Midland, Michigan. (Isn’t it delightful that Michigan is blessed with such a proliferation of peace-keeping outfits such as Cadillac Gauge, General Motors and Dow. Perhaps next year’s plates should read “Munitions Wonderland”).

The Dow people have confessed that it has been hurt in recruitment of “super-brains’ to make better and better instruments for headaches and killing (they also make most of the aspirin ingredients for everybody but Bayer).

This protest is to help them see that continuing with the manufacture of napalm is both immoral and in the long run at least unprofitable. People both inside the stockholders meeting, and the protesters outside, will be demanding that the company drop its contract with the Government.

A rally will be held in Ann Arbor, May 7th at the First Methodist Church, 120 S. State Street. Overnight accommodations are available.

Buses will leave Wednesday, May 7th, from Blessed Sacrament Cathedral, 9844 Woodward near Boston at 6 a. m. Cost will be $4. 50. They will join with those already in Ann Arbor to “process” to Midland.

For details call 832-2527 in Detroit, or 663-0473 for information about Ann Arbor accommodation.