“The People’s Luck”


Fifth Estate # 380, Spring 2009

For the past two summers, I accompanied my wife, who speaks Cantonese and Mandarin, to China so we could tour part of the country before she started summer school in a master’s program in Chinese literature in Nanjing, a city …

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The Occupation of Public Space: New York, Beijing, Oaxaca


Fifth Estate # 381, Summer-Fall 2009

Robert Neuwirth, in his important book, Shadow Cities, says squatters in countries such as Turkey, Brazil, and India, are the poor, usually excluded from the adequate wage work, who do not have the wherewithal to enter the capitalist real estate …

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Vietnam: Where the Political is Still Personal


Fifth Estate # 385, Fall, 2011

a review of In the Crossfire: Adventures of a Vietnamese Revolutionary, by Ngo Van; Eds. Ken Knabb and Helene Fleury; Trans. Helene Fleury, Hillary Horrocks, Ken Knabb, and Naomi Sager; AK Press; 2010; $19.95

Anarchism and the Anti-Authoritarian Personality


Fifth Estate # 387, Summer, 2012

All generalizations founder on the rock of their exceptions, but can it be said that certain definable character structures emanate from one’s political philosophy or position within capital’s work apparatus?
