Anti-Napalm Protest


Fifth Estate # 10, July 15, 1966

VOICE, the University of Michigan Chapter of Students for a Democratic Society has called for regional action Aug. 8 at the Dow Chemical Corp. in Midland, Mich., protesting that company’s production of napalm for use on Vietnamese villages.

Members of the participating organizations will travel to Midland on August 7th to attempt to mobilize community support against napalm production there much in the same way a group of citizens did in Redwood City, California. On Monday, August 8th, there will be a mass demonstration at the Dow Chemical plant. Participants are expected from all across Michigan and Northern Ohio. The Detroit Committee to End the War in Vietnam voted July 13 to support the action and will coordinate travel arrangements and publicity for the Detroit area. The Committee may be contacted at its office at 1101 W. Warren.

The Dow demonstration will be part of a series of events planned for the week around Hiroshima Day, Aug 6-9. Other plans include a mass demonstration and rally in downtown Detroit, door-to-door educational work, street corner speaking, and an anti-war arts festival. A complete schedule of events will be carried in the next issue.

Sidebar: DCEWV Elections

The Detroit Committee to End the War in Vietnam held its summer elections for officers July 13 at its offices at 1101 W. Warren.

James Lipson was elected chairman; Sanford Weinstock, vice-chairman; Susan De Gracia, treasurer; Rita Leasure, office manager; Dena Clamage, treasurer; Fred Baker, Summer Project Coordinator.

The Committee which meets each Wednesday at 8:00 P.M. will continue its programs of direct action, education, anti-draft work, and support of James Lafferty & Albert Cleage for Congress.


See Fifth Estate’s Vietnam Resource Page.