Warfare 1970

Centerfold feature


Fifth Estate # 106, May 28-June 10, 1970

“a very great revolutionary force latent in the American people”
—Peking Radio, May 9

President Nixon’s announcement of the invasion of Cambodia effectively implemented the old SDS slogan “Bring the War Home!” Millions of people joined the revolutionary struggle, striking out at the war, racism and political repression. Almost 600 college campuses as well as countless high schools joined the national strike, as chaos swept the nation for many days. This sheet represents only the most advanced forms of struggle that have come down during the strike. The struggle continues. Venceremos!

HONOLULU, HAWAII—ROTC bldg. occupied; couple married inside (about May 11)

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M.—3 day sit-in at U. of New Mexico ends with 140 arrests; National Guard bayoneted 11 (May 8)

BLAINE, WASH.—City Hall attacked and damaged by hundreds of demonstrators who invaded from Canada (May 8)

SEATTLE, WASH.—Traffic blocked, Boeing employment office stormed, minor damage, 8 arrests (May 1); 7,000 students shut down freeway, campus rampage, trashing, tear gas, National Guard called up at U. of Wash. (May 5-9); Communications Bldg. seized at U. of Wash. (May 11)

PORTLAND, ORE.—Battle pigs over barricades, 20 injured; 3,000 march to City Hall—”pigs off campus” (May 11-12)

CORVALLIS, ORE.—ROTC firebombed at Oregon State U. (May 1)

EUGENE, ORE.—U. of Oregon students block freeway during rush hour; administration bldg. seized (about May 5)

LEWISTON, IDAHO—A row of National Guard trucks destroyed by fire (May 5)

DAVIS, CAL.—UC ROTC firebombed (about May 6)

BERKELEY, CAL.—Army truck burns, burning flag (Amerikan) hoisted, march thru classes at UC; attempted burning of Naval ROTC, 1,000 roam area, rocks, tear gas, etc.; 12,000 rally (May 4-6)

SAN FRANCISCO, CAL.—1,500 invade City Hall (May 5); firebomb attack on U. of San Francisco ROTC (May 7)

SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH—ROTC bldg. burned down by students at U. of Utah (about May 6)

RENO, NEV.—ROTC firebombed at U. of Nevada (May 7)

FRESNO, CAL.—Fresno State ROTC occupied (May 12)

STANFORD, CAL.—Street-fighting, tear gas, arrests at Stanford U (May 1); Army ROTC commander’s house fired into 3 times (May 4); war research labs blocked (about May 12)

SAN JOSE, CAL.—San Jose State ROTC trashed, union occupied, downtown trashed, 10 arrests, several injuries (May 4)

FORT ORD, CAL.—4,000 march to gates chanting “free the Ft. Ord 40,000” (May 16)

SANTA BARBARA, CAL.—UC students block freeway (about May 6)

SAN BERNADINO, CAL.—500 UC students block freeway, closing 5 war factories (about May 7)

LOS ANGELES, CAL.—2,000 march on ROTC, street-fighting, 61 arrests at UCLA; ROTC attack, 5 hours of street-fighting, 21 injured, 75 arrested, at UC Westwood (May 6); 750 Cal State LA students block freeway (May 6); Loyola students seize computer (about May 6); 10,000 rally at Expo Park (May 9)

CAMP PENDLETON, CAL.—5,000 rally, including 200 G.I.s, Hayden and Panthers speakers (May 16)

SAN DIEGO, CAL.—UC students occupy war research labs (about May 6); student sets self afire, dies (May 10-11)

FT. COLLINS, COLO.—fire in main classroom bldg. at Colorado State U.; $500,000 damage (May 9)

DENVER, COLO.—700 evicted from anti-war shanty-town by tear gas at U. of Denver; shanty-town reoccupied; National Guard clear shanty-town (May 11-14)

COLORADO SPRINGS, COLO.—Firebomb attack on ROTC offices at Colorado College (may 7)

TEMPE, ARIZ.—8,000 (mostly Arizona State U. students) stop traffic (about May 11)

FORT HOOD, TEXAS—600 G.I.s march against the war and repression (May 16)

AUSTIN, TEXAS—Nixon burned in effigy at U. of Texas; 10,000 rally, several thousand storm the capitol bldg., expelled by tear gas, trashing, rocks, more tear gas (May 4-5)

TULSA, OKLA.—March against ROTC at U. of Tulsa May 6)

OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLA.—Selective Service office blown up (about May 6)

NORMAN, OKLA.—Administration bldg. occupied briefly at U. of Oklahoma; Guard ordered to standby status (about May 6)

LINCOLN, NEBR.—ROTC headquarters occupied at U. of Nebraska (May 4)

FORT REILLY, KAN.—1300 people, including 400 G.I.s, rally against the war (May 16)

ST. LOUIS, MO.—ROTC burned to ground at Washington U. (May 4)

COLUMBUS, MO.—Nixon burned in effigy (May 7)

DES MOINES, IA.—Police station blown up, $250,000 damage (May 13)

IOWA CITY, IA.—500 U. of Iowa students trash National Guard armory (May 4) 200 arrested trying to occupy old capitol bldg. (May 8); fire destroys class bldg., Guard called on campus (May 9)

MINNEAPOLIS, MINN.—60 students arrested for blocking Federal Bldg. entrances (May 7)

MANKATO, MINN.—Firebomb burns a local armory (May 7)

MADISON, WIS.—ROTC burns, street-fighting; 3,000 fight all day and night for two days, more fires; more tear gas, fighting continues with pigs and National Guard (May 4-7); 40 fires set on campus at U. of Wisconsin (May 8)

MILWAUKEE, WIS.—Two buildings firebombed, heavily damaged at Marquette U. (May 11)

DEKALB, ILL.—Northern Illinois U. ROTC invaded, 37 arrested, street-fighting, up to 12,000 involved in protests, Guard on campus (May 11-15); 150 block highway, trash (May 18)

EVANSTON, ILL.—Street-fighting at Northwestern (May 6) ROTC trashed (May 13)

RIVER FOREST, ILL.—Fire in university administration bldg., $10,000 damage (May 6 about)

CHICAGO, ILL.—Fire in Air Force Aerospace Center, where ROTC meets at DePaul U., $10,000 damage (May 1); U. of Chicago ROTC completely destroyed (about May 6); Rally of 25,000 downtown, strong trade union support (May 9)

BLOOMINGTON, ILL.—Illinois Wesleyan. U. bldg. firebombed, $100,000 damage (May 12)

URBANA, ILL.—2,000 U. of Illinois students downtown trashing, 2,000 National Guard called on campus, street-fighting (May 5-6)

CARBONDALE, ILL.—Thousands of students roam campus, trashing, National Guard called in; 2,000 block freeway, Guard disperse with tear gas, trashing, ROTC afire, two bldgs. destroyed, over 110 arrested at Southern Illinois U. (May 6-8)

GREENCASTLE, IND.—DePauw U. ROTC firebombed (May 6)

VALPARAISO, IND.—Firebomb attack destroys administration bldg. at Valparaiso U. (May 5 about)

SOUTH BEND, IND.—Notre Dame ROTC firebombed (about May 5)


EAST LANSING, MICH.—Street-fighting, fires (May 2); teargas, trashing (May 8); more trashing (May 18) $60,000 damage.

YPSILANTI, MICH.—Street blocked, 37 arrested; 4 nights of street-fighting, tear gas, trashing, 5 shot (May 11-14)

CINCINNATI, OHIO—1,000 U. of Cincinnati students stage two-hour sit-down downtown, 145 arrested (May 1); Nixon burned in effigy, administration bldg. occupied (May 6)

CLEVELAND, OHIO—ROTC occupied at Case Western Reserve (May 4); ROTC firebombed (May 7)

ATHENS, OHIO—ROTC firebombed at Ohio U., $4,000 damage (May 7);several thousand protest, downtown trashed, Guard called, dorm-cafe. burns-$125,000 damage (May 12-13)

KENT, OHIO—ROTC burned to ground, downtown trashed, sit-in, rocks, tear gas, Nat, Guard murder 4 (May 1-4)

COLUMBUS, OHIO—Black demands, anti-ROTC struggle, National Guard called in April 28; tear gas, students shot with buckshot (April 29); tear gas, pitched battle with pigs and the Guard, 12 shot with buckshot (April 30)hit-and-run on campus, tear gas, ROTC review disrupted by 500 (May 5); fires all week, total arrests over 650. Blacks trash and loot downtown (May 18)

MARIETTA, OHIO—Fire destroys bookstore at Marietta College, $75,000 damage (May 7)

LEXINGTON, KY.—ROTC burns at U. of Kentucky, Guard called on campus, tear gas (May 5-6)

KNOXVILLE, TENN.—ROTC firebombed (about May 6)

NEW ORLEANS, LA.—Fire destroys Air Force ROTC (Army ROTC was destroyed earlier this spring) at Tulane U., street-fighting in the French Quarter (about May 7)

TUSCALOOSA, ALA.—ROTC firebombed, two large bldgs. destroyed by fire at U. of Alabama, 1200 protest Kent and Cambodia, tear gas (May 7); protest, 37 arrests (May 18)

FORT McCLELLEN, ALA.—200 civilians and 50 G.I.s, first rally ever (May 16)

JACKSON, MISS.—2 students murdered by pigs at Jackson State; Guard called in (May 11)

TALLAHASSEE, FLA—1,000 march on ROTC, dispersed at Florida State U. (May 7)

ORLANDO, FLA.—Firebomb explodes in Federal Bldg. (May 5)

OPALOCKA, FLA.—200 tear gassed, 46 arrested at Florida Memorial College (May 18)

AUGUSTA, GA.—Six murdered by pigs in riot over boy’s death in jail cell (May 11)

PERRY, GA.—100-mile march protesting the Jackson and Augusta murders starts (about May 15)

COLUMBIA, S.C.—41 arrested in sit-in, treasurer’s office trashed by 200, National Guard comes in, two nights of heavy street-fighting and tear gas at U. of South Carolina (May 8-12)

CHARLESTON NAVAL BASE, S.C.—200 G.I.s and 800 civilians, first rally ever (May 16)

DURHAM, N.C.—200 Duke students block road (May 6)

CHAPEL HILL, N.C.,—Rallies up to 7,000 at U. of North Carolina, ROTC firebombed, minor damage (May 11)

DAVIDSON, N.C.—Davidson students occupy ROTC (May 6)

RALEIGH, N.C.—5,000 (many from N. Carolina State) march on capitol bldg. (May 8)

FORT BRAGG, N.C.—3,000 demonstrate near base (May 16)

INSTITUTE, W.VA.—Tear gas, ROTC windows smashed at West Virginia State (May 7)

BLACKSBURG, VA.—100 arrested for seizing bldg. at Virginia Polytechnic Institute (May 13)

CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA.—Fire destroys ROTC at U. of Virginia (May 7); pigs invade campus, arrest 60 (May 9)

COLLEGE PARK, MD.—1,500 protest, street-fighting, ROTC trashed (May 1); more street-fighting at U. of Maryland, 30 arrests, 60 injuries, including 10 pigs (May 2); 1,000 block highway, fight pigs and National Guard, tear gas (May 4) highway blocked again (May 11) block highway, clash with Guard (May 14)

BALTIMORE, MD.—10,000 rally against war, support Panthers (May 8)

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Illegal demo, 34 arrests (May 3); rocks, tear gas at American U., 17 arrested (May 6); Peace Corps bldg. seized by 50 Peace Corps workers, N LF flags out windows (May 8); 100,000 protest, fighting, trashing, 150 arrested (May 9); more street-fighting at American U. (May 11)

PHILADELPHIA, PA.—12,000 rally (May 8)

FORT DIX, N.J.—3,000 clash with M.P.s at gate (May 16)

PRINCETON, N.J.—Princeton ROTC firebombed (May 2); fires in famous Nassau Hall and IDA bldg (May 12); cement in defense computer (May 18)

EDISON, N.J.—Rutgers Police Science Bldg. destroyed by fire (May 12)

SOUTH ORANGE, N.J.—Pigs disperse torch parade of 500 to ROTC at Seton Hall (May 5); administration bldg seized, fights (May 6)

NEW YORK, N.Y.—Over 12 ROTC fires, thousands of students storm the U.N. (May 5); Brooklyn College ROTC raided, trashed, H.S. students in street actions all over NYC, 2 fires at Fordham U. (May 6); $6 million AEC computer seized at NYU for 2 days—unsuccessful ransom for Panther defense donation (May 7); $100,000 fire at Long Island U. (May 9); 60,000 rally FOR the war (May 20); 20,000 march against war (May 21); $50,000 ROTC fire at Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute (May 13)

STONYBROOK, N.Y.—3 SUNY bldgs. heavily damaged by fire (May 6)

ALBANY, N.Y.—1,000 block Fed. Bldg. (May 12); 7,000 rally at capitol (May 13)

NEW PALTZ, N.Y.—Administration building fire at New Paltz State (May 3)

GENEVA, N.Y.—Hobart College ROTC firebombed (May 1)

SYRACUSE, N.Y.—Nixon burned in effigy at U. of Syracuse, several fires (May 6); 5,000 protest downtown, 2,000 trash campus (May 4)

BUFFALO, N.Y.—Many nights of street-fighting at U. of Buffalo& Buffalo State, ROTC firebombed, 12 wounded by buckshot (May 2-8)

NEW HAVEN, CONN.—20,000 support Panthers, tear gas (May 1-2)

NEW LONDON, CONN.—Armory firebombed (May 8)

WORCESTER, MASS.—257 arrested in draft board sit-in (May 11)

MIDDLEBURY, VT.—Fire destroys Middlebury College bldg. (May 7)


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