For Ft. Hood 3, Prison Conditions Improve


Fifth Estate # 18, November 15-30, 1966

Photo shows three young men in US Army uniforms.
American heoroes, the Fort Hood Three: (l. to rt.) Mora, Samas, Johnson

The shocking prison treatment of the Fort Hood Three, the three GIs who refused to go to Vietnam, has improved slightly as a result of the publicity of their situation and a flood of letters to government and Army authorities.

The restrictions against the three men speaking have been removed, and at present David Samas and James Johnson are celled with four other prisoners and are permitted to eat meals in the mess hall. Dennis Mora is with three others; however, he is still unable to leave his cell for meals. They still have no library privileges. They must still remain standing from 5 a.m. til 6 p.m. each day. The often promised, and supposedly “regular” exercise periods, are still unavailable.

On October 16, Father Phillip Berrigan, Rev. Herbert Edwards, and Rev. Gorman from Baltimore, visited the men. Despite the reported improvement, they still found the conditions discouraging, and Rev. Edwards has announced his intention to visit Stanley Resor, Secretary of the Army, to voice his protest.

The Defense Committee is attempting to keep the issue of the Fort Hood Three before the public. The response on their behalf has been good. Signs and buttons were seen in the Detroit Mobilization March Nov. 5th proclaiming “Free the Fort Hood Three.” Joseph Mora, brother of Dennis spoke at the Teach-In held at Wayne University on Nov. 7th.

Stanley Faulkner, attorney for the men, debated the legality of the war at the University of Arizona before an audience of 400 people. He spoke at UCLA to a sympathetic audience of over 300. At the Berkley campus of the University of California, Faulkner, the wife of David Sam as, and his mother, each spoke. San Francisco gave considerable newspaper and television coverage to a news conference by Faulkner. He also did a 35 minute taped television interview with comedian Mort Sahl. In Philadelphia, a meeting of the Ethical Cultural Society drew 150 people interested in the Fort Hood Three, and netted $300 to aid them.

Currently Mr. Faulkner is working on a report regarding the most recent legal developments in the case which will be made available soon.


See Fifth Estate’s Vietnam Resource Page.

Search FE Archive for Ft. Hood Three.
