End Game in the Levant


Fifth Estate # 415, Summer 2024

Before anything can be said or written about what has happened in Palestine and Israel since the Oct. 7, 2023 Hamas attack, recognition must be given to the enormity of the crimes Israel’s merciless army has committed against the Palestinian …

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Napalm Photos Spark Vietnam Dialogue


Fifth Estate # 16, October 16-31, 1966

No matter what his choice of words, every newspaper editor is aware that he is bound to offend someone. The arrest and trial of Peter Zenger two hundred years ago and the bombing of the office of the WORKER in …

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“Foul deeds will rise”


Fifth Estate # 414, Fall 2023

a review of This Rancid Mill: An Alex Damage Novel by Kyle Decker. PM Press 2023

More Phantasmagoria…

by ,

Fifth Estate # 15, October 1-15, 1966

Leftovers from the Right-wing Film Phantasmagoria [see FE #14, September 15, 1966] came in the form of letters to and from Fulton Lewis, III. Peter Werbe, News Editor of the Fifth Estate and Executive Board Member of the DCEWV, wrote …

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Is ChatGPT just a new tech toy or is it Skynet?

by ,

Fifth Estate # 413, Spring, 2023

“We live in capitalism. Its power seems inescapable. So did the divine right of kings. Any human power can be resisted and changed by human beings. Resistance and change often begin in art, and very often in our art, the …

Is ChatGPT just a new tech toy or is it Skynet? Read More »

Reading Marx


Fifth Estate # 412, Fall, 2022

a review of How to Read Marx’s Capital: Commentary and Explanations on the Beginning Chapters by Michael Heinrich. Translated by Alexander Locasio. Monthly Review Press 2022

How to print zines, posters, flyers, and stickers


Fifth Estate # 411, Spring, 2022

a review of Cheap Copies! Cheap Copies! The OBSOLETE! Press Guide to DIY Hectography, Mimeography, & Spirit Duplication by Rich Dana. Obsolete Press, 2022

The Coldest of All Cold Monsters


Fifth Estate # 410, Fall, 2021

a review of The Operating System: An Anarchist Theory of the Modern State by Eric Laursen, Foreword by Maia Ramath. AK Press 2021

The Mob, Racism & Mayhem They Call a Sport


Fifth Estate # 410, Fall, 2021

a review of The Bittersweet Science; Racism, Racketeering, and the Political Economy of Boxing by Gerald Horne. International Publishers 2021

Dancing for Our Lives


Fifth Estate # 361, Summer 2003

The following essay [“The Decline of the Choral Dance,” FE #361, Summer 2003] couldn’t have entered my consciousness at a better time. It was 1962, and I had spent my late teens and early twenties reading intensely in an attempt …

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