FE A HOBBY? To F.E.: Anarchism can provide the perfect defense mechanism for dilettantes. In your “reply” to John and Paula Zerzan [“FE Criticized & Our Response,” FE #291, April 30, 1978] you come perilously close to demonstrating this when …
FE A HOBBY? To F.E.: Anarchism can provide the perfect defense mechanism for dilettantes. In your “reply” to John and Paula Zerzan [“FE Criticized & Our Response,” FE #291, April 30, 1978] you come perilously close to demonstrating this when …
Dear FE Readers: Well, here we are with issue no. 2 from the new staff and only two letters–one a form letter that went out to all the left press.
Letters Policy We welcome letters commenting on our articles, stating opinions, or giving reports of events in your area. We don’t guarantee to print everything received, but all letters are read by our staff and considered for publication.
To the People I Love c/o The Fifth Estate: You will note with paradoxical titters that the “Silent Majority” of which Nixon speaks (that is, referring to “a nation of sheep”), is in fact a misnomer caused of social …
Solitary for T-Shirt Greetings Comrades: I thought I’d forward some news about authority inside prison….
To the Editor: The article in your last issue—”Playboy’s Tinseled Seductress”—I liked [FE #17, November 1-15, 1966]. The pointing out Playboy’s magnificent superficiality was, I thought, sound and much needed. But the conclusion!—ugh!—that the marriage institution suffers thereby—that “somehow …
Introduction For a number of years, the Fifth Estate has been writing about the crisis of Western civilization and its industrial/technological plague. At the same time we have been profoundly interested in primitivism and the cultures of earth-based peoples, realizing …
Send letters to fe – AT – fifthestate.org or Fifth Estate, POB 201016, Ferndale MI 48220 All formats accepted including typescript & handwritten; letters may be edited for length
Quite a Drag Howdy, Folks! (That’s the only non-sexist salutation I can think of.)
Dear Friends: Learned recently that funds for the arts have been cut drastically in Detroit or Michigan, and that a “state representative” Wierzbicki defended the policy by saying that music, art, and dance have nothing to do with people’s lives. …
Dear Beautiful People, As I was sitting in Grant Park in Chicago August 28 what to my tear-gassed eyes should appear but a beautiful young girl with a free copy of the Fifth Estate. She handed me a copy with …
NOTE: The following Letter to the Editor of the Detroit News was written by Alvin Harrison, NSM [Northern Student Movement] field secretary in Detroit, in response to a number of letters published regarding his participation in a Teach-in on Viet …
Dear Editors: I just finished reading your latest “words of wisdom.” Isn’t it about time you knocked it off? Words are works, I agree, but more appropriate adjectives may be found in any pocket dictionary.
Send letters to fe – AT – fifthestate – DOT – org or Fifth Estate, POB 201016, Ferndale MI 48220. All formats accepted including typescript & handwritten. Letters may be edited for length. SEXUALLY DIMORPHIC My partner brought home a …
Send letters to fe – at – fifthestate – dot – org or Fifth Estate, POB 201016, Ferndale MI 48220. All formats accepted, including typescript & handwritten; letters may be edited for length.
Send letters to fe@fifthestate.org or Fifth Estate, POB 201016, Ferndale MI 48220 All formats accepted including typescript & handwritten. Letters may be edited for length.
Help Wanted Dear FE & Readers: Some clarification of myself is needed here before too many people waste time making statements about me that are completely out of whack with who I am. (See Letters, FE #290, March 2, 1978).
Hartford’s Other Voice/UPS — The radio speech was never broadcast—yet old sho-biz Agnew got 14,000 letters of praise the next day. No one will admit who slipped.
Dearest Hippie Editor: I think you guys at the Fifth Estate are the biggest clot of hypocrites I have ever had witness to. Some people wrote some letters to the Editor in your Aug. 15-31 issue. They called you hypocrites. …
Sticks & Stones Dear Fifth Estate, In response to E.B. Maple (“On Organization: Two Reviews of The Camatte/Collu Pamphlet,” FE #279, December 1976), I can only say that calling me a “Leninist” does not make it so.